September 5, 2024

Statement of condolence on the death of Noah Genner

The Association of Canadian Publishers is saddened to acknowledge the passing of Noah Genner, President & CEO Emeritus of BookNet Canada. We join his family, friends, and the entire publishing community in mourning a remarkable individual whose work shaped the entire Canadian publishing sector.

Noah Genner is best-known for his twenty-year tenure at BookNet Canada, including fifteen years as President and CEO. His work on major BookNet projects brought the industry several invaluable tools that we use daily: SalesData, CataList, and BiblioShare. His leadership as a volunteer in international organizations such as the Book Industry Study Group and the Green Book Alliance ensured that Canada and Canadians were reflected in their work. Noah and his team also made BookNet Canada a leader in providing professional development for Canadian publishers, turning a behind-the-scenes supply chain organization into a hub for the publishing community. 

At the Association of Canadian Publishers’ 2024 Annual General Meeting, publisher James Lorimer made a motion in Noah’s honour, which was passed unanimously and without debate, to a round of applause: 

MOTION that the ACP express its deep gratitude to Noah Genner for his work on behalf of Canadian-owned publishers and Canadian-authored books in his role as President and CEO of BookNet Canada.

“It is impossible to imagine Canadian publishing functioning without Noah Genner’s contributions. He led projects that are essential to our supply chain. Without his work, and that of his talented team at BookNet Canada, we would be unable to reach our readers as efficiently and effectively as we do.” – Jack Illingworth, Executive Director, Association of Canadian Publishers

“Canadian publishing works infinitely better because of the work Noah and the BookNet team have done. But beyond that, Noah was a wise, generous person with an infectious love of data and profound enthusiasm for what we do. He will be deeply missed.” – Alana Wilcox, President, Association of Canadian Publishers

On behalf of the Association of Canadian Publishers and its members, we express our sincere condolences to Noah’s family and friends, as well as the tight-knit team at BookNet Canada, for whom this is a profound loss.

BookNet Canada’s media release on Noah’s passing may be read here.

For more information, contact:
Jack Illingworth, Executive Director
Association of Canadian Publishers