August 3, 2021

Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2022 Budget

The Association of Canadian Publishers’ Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2022 Budget makes the following three recommendations:

  • Increase Canadian publishers’ competitiveness and support their recovery from COVID-19 by enhancing the Canada Book Fund’s permanent programs for two years starting in 2022-23. We recommend additional investment of $15M in 2022-23 and $20M in 2023-24.
  • Implement market-based solutions that encourage fair remuneration of rightsholders for use of copyright protected work through reform of the Copyright Act.
  • Keep our book industry Canadian and put Canadian-owned publishers first.

Canadian book publishers have risen to the challenges stemming from the pandemic and are poised to apply the experience gained over the past year to our businesses in the years ahead.