Canadian publishers call for urgent reform of the Copyright Act
The Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) is discouraged by the Supreme Court of Canada’s (SCC) July 30 judgement in the long-running legal dispute between York University and Access Copyright. The judgement dismisses appeals from both parties...
Canadian e-Books in K-12 Education, 2021
ACP is pleased to announce the release of Canadian eBooks in K-12 Education, a market research report focused on current trends in digital content acquisition in the Canadian school market. The report was developed in response to the COVID-19...
Consultation on a Modern Framework for Online Intermediaries
Copyright is essential to the work that we do and is a key pillar of the creative economy. Copyright supports the continued creation and publication of written works in all genres and for a variety of markets. The online environment continues to...
ACP welcomes Budget 2021 commitments and seeks targeted support for book publishers in its implementation
The Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) welcomes the tabling of Budget 2021, which charts the course for Canada’s economic recovery from COVID-19. In addition to targeted support for the arts and culture sector, the budget includes a...
Consultation on how to implement Canada’s CUSMA commitment to extend the general term of copyright protection
Copyright is essential to the work that we do and is a key pillar of the creative economy. Copyright supports the continued creation and publication of written works in all genres and for a variety of markets. ACP recognizes that the Government of...
Resilience, Agility & Innovation: Canadian Publishers and COVID-19 Recovery
Written Submission to the Department of Finance from the Association of Canadian Publishers Summary of Recommendations Increase Canadian publishers’ competitiveness and support their recovery from COVID-19 by enhancing the Canada Book Fund for...
Resilience, Agility & Innovation: Canadian Publishers and COVID-19 Recovery
Written Submission to Canadian Heritage (Update to September 2020 brief) Summary of Recommendations 1. Increase Canadian publishers’ competitiveness in a post-COVID-19 economy by immediately increasing the permanent annual budget of the Canada...
Resilience, Agility & Innovation: Canadian Publishers and COVID-19 Recovery: Written Submission to Canadian Heritage
Written Submission to Canadian Heritage Summary of Recommendations 1. Increase Canadian publishers’ competitiveness in a post-COVID-19 economy by immediately increasing the permanent annual budget of the Canada Book Fundfrom $38.4M to $58.4M. 2....
ACP’s 2021 Pre-Budget Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance
ACP has made available its 2021 Pre-Budget Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance. Though existing programs are helping publishers in the immediate crisis, publishers will face the mainstay of challenges in early 2021 and beyond. An...
Resilience, Agility & Innovation: Canadian Publishers and COVID-19 Recovery
Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2021 Budget Summary of Recommendations 1. Increase Canadian publishers’ competitiveness in a post-COVID-19 economy by immediately increasing the permanent annual budget of the...
Accessible Publishing Research Project
In March 2019, the Government of Canada announced an investment of $22.8 million over five years for the development of an initiative to support the sustainable production and distribution of accessible digital books by Canadian independent...
Audiobooks: Building Capacity for Canadian Creation and Publishing
An invited group of cross-sectoral professionals took part in a one-day session on the state of audiobook production and publishing in Canada and to pursue ideas that could contribute to improved visibility, sales, capacity, accessibility and...