Our Members
Tradewind Books
Celebrating stories, authors and illustrators from diverse communities and cultures—we publish award-winning literary fiction and poetry for young people of all ages.
Domestic Distribution: Fitzhenry & Whiteside.
Foreign Distribution: Orca Books (US), Turnaround (UK).

- Sectors
- Children's Books, Fiction & Literature, Poetry
- Contact
- #202 - 1807 Maritime Mews, Vancouver, BC V6H 3W7
Tel: 604-662-4405
Turnstone Press
"Turnstone Press publishes fiction, poetry, anthologies, criticism and non-fiction (with a focus on travel) by Canadian writers. Publishes literary genre fiction (primarily mystery) under the imprint Ravenstone.
Domestic & Foreign Distribution: LitDistCo. Sales Representation: LPG. "

- Sectors
- Fiction & Literature, Non-fiction, Poetry
- Contact
- 100 Arthur Street, Suite 206 Artspace Building Winnipeg MB R3B 1H3
Tel: 204-947-1555
Turtle’s Back Publishing, a division of the Ontario Native Literacy Coalition
Turtle’s Back Publishing is a division of the Ontario Native Literacy Coalition. Established in 2019 with the purpose of publishing Indigenous works that strengthen and amplify Indigenous knowledge. It is Turtle’s Back Publishing, ONLC’s mission to provide publications developed and created by Indigenous writers that enrich, advocate and promote North American Indigenous literacies.

- Sectors
- Educational & Textbooks, Indigenous Literature, Academic/Scholarly
- Contact
- P.O. Box 550, 16 Sunrise Court, Suite #407, Ohsweken, ON, N0A 1M0
Tel: 1-855-368-3072
United Church Publishing House
The United Church Publishing House (UCPH) continues to serve the United Church of Canada's commitment to publishing new books generated within the national United Church. UCPH publishes religious books and multi-media resources for individual and congregational use.

- Sectors
- Non-fiction
- Contact
- 3250 Bloor Street West, Toronto ON M8X 2Y4
Tel: 1-647-933-6739
University of Alberta Press
University of Alberta Press is a contemporary, award-winning publisher of scholarly and creative books distinguished by their editorial care, exceptional design, and global reach. Subjects of speciality include Indigenous studies, critical race/gender/class studies, literary criticism, Canadian history, regional topics (Canadian West and North), urban studies, environmental studies, travel narratives, literary nonfiction, and poetry.
Canada: UTP Distribution (http://www.utpdistribution.com/)
US: Hopkins Fulfullment Services (https://www.hfsbooks.com/)
UK/Europe: Gazelle Academic (https://www.gazellebookservices.co.uk/)

- Sectors
- Educational & Textbooks, History, Non-fiction, Poetry, Academic/Scholarly
- Contact
- 1-16 Rutherford Library South, 11204 89 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4
Tel: 780-492-3662
University of British Columbia Press
UBC Press was established in 1971 and has more than 900 titles currently in print. The editorial program concentrates on scholarly, trade, text, and reference books, with special focus on Native studies; Asian studies; education; environment; fisheries; forestry; geography; Canadian history; political science; sociology urban studies; sexuality studies; women's studies; law; and planning. Domestic Distribution: UTP. Foreign Distribution: University of Washington Press (US), Eurospan University Press Group (UK), East West Export Books (Asia, excluding China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong; and the Pacific, including Australia and NZ), Asia Publishers Services Ltd. (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea). Special Book Services (South America).

- Sectors
- History, Non-fiction, Academic/Scholarly
- Contact
- 2029 West Mall University of British Columbia Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604-822-5959
University of Calgary Press
The University of Calgary Press disseminates scholarly research through peer-reviewed books which move the conversation forward, appeal to the curious mind, and present provocative ideas in a clear, accessible way. Our publications focus on history, biography, economic and aboriginal studies, with a special emphasis on the Canadian West; Energy, Ecology and the Environment; Northern studies; African studies; Latin American and Caribbean studies; and Canadian Military and Strategic studies. We welcome manuscripts based on scholarly research that impart a deeper understanding of our world. We share a love of the printed monograph yet continue to explore sustainable innovative online publishing alternatives.

- Sectors
- Academic/Scholarly
- Contact
- 2500 University Drive NW Calgary AB T2N 1N4
Tel: 403-220-7578
University of Manitoba Press
"Founded in 1967, University of Manitoba Press specializes in Native and Canadian history, Icelandic studies, aboriginal languages, and studies of Canadian literature and culture.
Domestic Distribution: UTP. US Distribution: Michigan State University Press. "

- Sectors
- Academic/Scholarly
- Contact
- David Larsen, Publisher, Room 301, St. John's College University of Manitoba Winnipeg MB R3T 2M5
Tel: 204-474-9998
University of Ottawa Press
Located in Canada’s national capital, the University of Ottawa Press (PUO-UOP) is the publishing arm of one of Canada's top research universities and one of the world's top bilingual universities. PUO-UOP, founded in 1936, is also North America's only fully bilingual university press and oldest French-language university press.
As the publishing house of the University of Ottawa, our mission is to enrich intellectual and cultural life through excellence in research and knowledge creation in a knowledge-based, globalized world, by embracing bilingualism and diversity.
As a university press, our publishing program reflects and promotes critical and ethical thought, first-class research, intellectual integrity, social responsibility and innovation.
We offer an award-winning, peer-reviewed, bilingual publishing program of 25-30 titles per year, 4 journals and 2 imprints (Mercury Series; Harvest House), and a 600-title backlist, in three core areas: Francophonie & Canadian Studies; Politics, Public Policy and Globalization; and Contemporary Society.
For more information: www.press.uottawa.ca

- Sectors
- Academic/Scholarly
- Contact
- 542 King Edward Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Tel: 613-562-5246
University of Regina Press
Built on the foundation of the former Canadian Plains Research Center Press, University of Regina Press (U of R Press) launched in June 2013 as Saskatchewan's only scholarly publishing house. They also have a robust trade program. In just four years, U of R Press has published six national bestsellers in subjects ranging from Canadian history and Indigenous Studies to memoir and food studies. Two guiding principles inform the Press's activities: first, its motto, "a voice for many peoples," which has sparked new series in First Nations languages, Black Canadian studies, Métis studies, and the body; and second, its desire to revolutionize the humanities by publishing books that hit the zeitgeist and show a wide audience of readers the continued importance of academic work.

- Sectors
- Non-fiction, Academic/Scholarly
- Contact
- 3737 Wascana Parkway Regina SK S4N 1W8
Tel: 306-585-4795