Book Publishing Freelancers from Diverse Communities Database

Fazeela Jiwa Development and Copy Editor

I’m a writer and editor with a special interest in social justice and critical politics. Specifically, I am an Acquisitions and Development Editor with Fernwood Publishing, and I do development and copy editing on a freelance basis for book publishers, magazines, and individual authors. Areas of specialty include feminism, anti-racism, political economy, literary studies, and poetry. Books I have worked on include Policing Black Lives by Robyn Maynard, Take Back the Fight by Nora Loreto, There’s Something in the Water by Ingrid Waldron, Black Matters by Afua Cooper and Wilfried Raussert, and Text Messages by Yassin “Narcy” Alsalman. Please visit my website for a comprehensive list of my work:


Halifax, NS
Communities Represented
POC, women
Skill Sets
Manuscript Reviewer, Developmental Editor, Copy Editor, Indexer
Genre of Experience
Adult - Fiction, Adult - Non-fiction, Academic/Scholarly, Poetry, Higher Educational (College, University, etc.)